Kids parents and teachers love Tree Spirits, too.


Videos submitted by Hana K (6th grade) , by Skylar B (2nd grade) by Miss Ruth (DerbyAcademy-PreK)

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 For Teachers

Here is a free resource for your classroom. Download this book review template for kids K - 5th grade. Submit book reviews here to for a chance to be featured on the website!

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What People Are Saying About Tree Spirits:

“This is fantastic and wonderful. It will help kids to build up their imaginations and creativity.”

Nancy C. - San Diego, CA

“I’ve got to say that I think this book is truly brilliant! Not only is the layout of the book great, the overall concept and creative spur to imagination is really thought-provoking. This is a *really* excellent book!!”

James C. - La Cañada, CA

“The book is the one I would have loved to read with my grandmother. It’s truly enchanting and  so creative!”

Barbara A. - Pasadena, CA

“Well I like it and I truly think it stimulates the imagination by offering examples of what imagination is. I’ve never quite seen something like this and frankly wish I had had something like this when I was a small child.”

Rabbi Robert Jacobs, Grandfather - Los Angeles, CA

“What a beautiful book... My imagination was instantly sparked. I can’t wait to share it with our son...”

Caroline K  Austin, Texas